Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Central European University (CEU) Graduate Programs Abroad

Find out how to apply for 2012-2013! Our department is a thriving part of Central European University (CEU), the only transnational, English-language graduate school in Europe that is accredited both on our continent (in Hungary) and the United States. Our department is part of the CEU School of  History and Historical and Interdisciplinary Studies, which brings together related teaching units (Medieval Studies Department, the Nationalism Studies Program), research centers (Open Society ArchivesPasts, Inc., Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies), and the Religious Studies Program and Jewish Studies. These units and their faculty are dedicated to strengthening the University’s commitment to interdisciplinarity and the link between teaching and research. This interdisciplinarity includes close collaboration in teaching and research with the departments of Sociology and Social Anthropology and Political Science.

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